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When love takes a different path: coping with loss and finding strength.

You must find it difficult to be with the new partner with whole new terms and connection after losing a relationship. Obviously you can’t just unlearn the lessons from the past marriage but there is a hope that maybe second chance at love could teach what you didn’t know at first. Unfulfilled love leaves you with a void or hollowness that makes you feel impossible to fill. Getting into new relationship can be strange and unknown. It can be exciting on the one hand but on the other it comes with various challenges stemmed from past experience. However, by positive approach for new relationship can help you build healthy, fulfilling connections. Here’s how you can give directions to the new journey:

  • Accept your past and the focus on the lessons learnt from the previous relationship. Before jumping into new relationship, it is important for you to heal from the wounds of the past one.
  • Have open and honest communication with your partner about your boundaries, thoughts and feeling while also being a good listener. In such cases it is important to discuss the sensitive topics at your pace by taking care of not venting excessively about past relationship which can lead to overshadow new one.
  • Avoid comparing your partner and appreciate the joy they bring in to your life. Always remember that this is your new start and not the continuation of the past.
  • Allow yourself to trust again as it is the hardest thing after a failed relationship. Be patient and consistent through your actions.

Dream v/s reality

Sometimes our idea of ideal love story clashes with rough realities of life which ends up our idea into dreams only. The clashes might include miscommunication, betrayal, or situations beyond our control. The collision of dreams and realities can have destructive effect on our life.

Understanding emotional impact

Loss of love affects us both mentally and physically triggering deep emotional pain and loss. It often challenges our self-worth and self-esteem due unfulfilled life goals. To cope with such feelings the sufferer should not suppress his/her feelings and must vent out. Practice journaling or other creative ways.

Seeking professional help

Loss of love affects us both mentally and physically triggering deep emotional pain and loss. It often challenges our self-worth and self-esteem due unfulfilled life goals. To cope with such feelings the sufferer should not suppress his/her feelings and must vent out. Practice journaling or other creative ways.

Author: Anushka Sharma