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“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.”

~ Natalie Goldberg

It is one of the famous quotes by Natalie Goldberg (American Popular Author and bookseller at Harvard Bookstore) which explains one of the aspects of journaling. There are various types of journaling that is beneficial for our mental health that we will discuss in this blog.


Journaling is the process of writing down our thoughts, feelings and emotions about our personal experiences. Journaling is a written record of our thoughts and feelings as we navigate our everyday life. There is no right or wrong way to do journaling and it differs from person to person

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Researches have shown that journaling about our feelings is linked to decrease in mental distress, gain control of our emotions, support our coping mechanism, managing anxiety and potentially avoiding burnout. It is found to be a helpful tool in managing our mental health. It aids in prioritizing, focusing on what’s important to us and a better understanding of oneself.

Journaling helps in identifying what is causing the stress and anxiety in us, gives us insight into our thoughts and emotions as well as helps in identifying and recognizing our emotions. This assists in identifying root cause, resolving our problems and looking at situations from a different perspective.

Journaling also helps to wind down and reduce stress. It also aids in providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors.

Journaling has been found to be very effective in therapy sessions and brought a lot of healthy changes in the person. 


So now let’s discuss some of the types of journaling which are beneficial for our mental health

1- Self-Esteem Journaling: Self-esteem journaling is found to help improve feelings of well-being and self-esteem. It helps to foster positive reflection and increase self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.


Some of the prompts of self-esteem journaling that you can use are:

Acknowledging your efforts

Honoring your strengths

Writing down your own unique abilities

What did you learn from your mistakes.

Write your body a letter thanking it for all it does for you

Writing down your accomplishments

One positive thing you witnessed.


2- Gratitude Journaling: In gratitude journaling, you can jot down three or five things you are grateful for at night. It has been found that regular gratitude practice can help improve happiness, well-being, and even physical health. It becomes a logbook to visit when you are feeling down. It also creates positive feeling inside and makes us focus on things as well as people to be thankful or grateful for.


3- Unsent Letter Journaling: A useful journaling practice for finding clarity, closure, and release is writing unsent letters. Even if the letter is only for your eyes, the act of organizing your thoughts on paper can help you find your way and free up mental space.


4- Mood Journaling: Mood journaling is the act of logging your mood on a sheet of paper so that you can recognize trends, triggers, and use of your energy. It is as simple as logging in how you feel in the journal. After some time, you can track what kind of emotions were felt majorly in a certain situations.


5- Stream of Consciousness Journaling: Stream of consciousness journaling involves writing without a prompt or goal in mind. It just means letting out whatever comes to mind even if it doesn’t make sense and not stopping until it’s done (for e.g., goal of writing journal for two pages before sleeping. So, in this you don’t stop writing until the two pages are completed and put everything on the page until its done). It is done without thinking and requires one to do it without overthinking or self-criticism.


It helps in understanding our underlying thought process and helps in understanding ourselves in an unfiltered way. It assists in understanding our needs, wants, goals, trigger points, thinking patterns,s and more.


6- Visual JournalingIt is a great way to make journaling a creative expression. It helps in combining artistic inclination with a visual journey. It assists in expressing our emotions, processing our feelings, and keeping a log of our daily life through illustrations. It contains drawings, painting sketches, calligraphy, doodles, or even clippings of magazine cutouts or photographs. It’s a collection of your feelings, thoughts, and ideas in visual form.


7- Though record Journaling: Thought record journaling helps record and evaluate our thoughts. It allows us to test the accuracy of our thinking, and oftentimes feel better by identifying and correcting bias or inaccuracies.


8- Self-Love Affirmations Journaling: Affirmations are simply statements said confidently about a perceived truth. It helps in accepting oneself and achieving a level of self-integrity because we are telling ourselves what we want to believe in.

In the end,

“The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.”

~Hannah Hinchman