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Change your thinking 💭 , and your life will change



Your mind has tremendous power. Yet, if you’re like most people, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about how you think. Who thinks about thinking, after all? However, your perception of yourself becomes your reality. You’ll limit your potential if you make incorrect assumptions about who you are and what you’re capable of.Things are made up of thoughts. They have a lot of power. They are anticipatory. The thoughts that flow through your head can either help you manifest the life of your dreams or bring you closer to your worst nightmares. However, most people are unaware of their thoughts’ intrinsic power. We go about our lives immersed in one thought or another, oblivious to the fact that we gravitate towards whatever we continuously think about or focus on. The energy that moves through the synapses of your neurons has the power to transform your life. A single thought can trigger a cascade of events. In a single instant, we can decide and commit to something, anything that will move us closer to our goals and dreams.Those same beliefs can linger and marinade in our heads, infecting every feeling and behavior patterns until they become reality.

Yes, the power of your thoughts cannot be denied. There’s no avoiding something so genuine and precise that it may either be used for good or used for great evil. But what exactly are thoughts? How do they function? Is everything that is happening in our lives right now a result of our thoughts? Have we genuinely manifested whatever reality we seem to be witnessing right now?If you think good thoughts, you will feel happy; conversely, if you think sad thoughts, you will feel sad.In life, there are three buckets: things we can control, things we can influence, and things we can’t control.

The many random events of life, on the other hand, are beyond our control. Earthquakes, pandemics, illness, job layoffs, the death of loved ones, fires, and vehicle accidents, to name a few, have all affected our lives. These are things that happen to us and things that we are aware of.

What we have influence over, and where we truly begin to build our reality, is how we perceive/interpret/think about the events in our lives that cause us to feel, and how we respond with our conduct in response to those feelings. No one can make you think or act in a certain way; it’s entirely your significant other breaks up with you, and you think to yourself, “I’ll never find anybody else to love me again,” you are likely to experience negative emotions such as depression, and you are likely to behave in ways that reflect these thoughts, such as remaining in bed. If, on the other hand, your mindset is, “I’m pleased this loser isn’t in my life,” you’ll probably feel and act differently. You get to select the thought you want to think this is where the creative aspect of the process gets pretty serious. If you think about something over and over and attach truth to it, it becomes a belief. Beliefs provide a cognitive lens through which you interpret occurrences in your reality, and this lens also functions as a selective filter through which you sift the environment for evidence that supports your beliefs. Up to you.


How to Change Your Mindset:

If you want to achieve your goals and do anything worthwhile in life, you must harness the power of your thoughts by adjusting your perspective. Albert Einstein is said to have said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. “You can’t expect to think, feel, and act in the same way and expect to have the same results. To reap significant results, you must take bold measures by sowing the seeds of change. Each of us is a creature of habit in some way.  We have fairly fixed ways of doing things because years (and even decades) of practice have conditioned us to think, feel, and act in certain ways. This type of persistent thought patterns can either set the foundation for an empowered and meaningful existence, or they might contribute to our eventual collapse. Thoughts are things in the sense that they establish the groundwork for any type of life we choose to live.  Social anxiety, melancholy, tension, and low self-esteem can all be exacerbated by negative thinking. Understanding how you think currently (and the difficulties that arise) is the key to changing your negative ideas. From there, you can apply tactics to change or reduce the impact of your negative thoughts. Because our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all intertwined, our thoughts have an effect on how we feel and act.” So, while we all have unwanted thoughts from time to time, it’s critical to know what to do with them so that they don’t take over our day.

It does not, however, happen overnight. There is a road to success for those who are dedicated. You may practically create your dreams as long as you can alter your thoughts in the appropriate direction. So, how does this function? This multi-step procedure is based on the application of a few basic concepts to assist you in manifesting and attracting whatever you desire in your life. You can achieve anything if you understand the power of focused thoughts and can follow these procedures.


  1. Mindfulness and self-awareness should be practiced –

Meditation is where mindfulness began. It is the act of separating oneself from your ideas and emotions and observing them objectively. Mindfulness training can help you become more aware of your thoughts and develop more self-awareness. The goal of mindfulness is to alter your connection with your thoughts. Consider your thoughts and feelings as moving things that you can either stop and examine or let pass you by. Allowing the reasoning half of your brain to take control of your emotional reactions to situations is the goal of mindfulness. It’s been suggested that mindfulness practice can help people use their ideas more adaptively. According to one study, persons who practiced mindfulness had fewer negative thoughts after being exposed to negative imagery, implying that mindfulness can reduce the harmful effects of negative thinking.


  • Improve Your Concentration –

Your ability to achieve anything is determined on your ability to focus. The more you can concentrate your mind on a goal, the more likely you are to succeed. You will have a harder time attaining anything in life if you focus your concentration on the wrong things. Learn how to direct and improve your concentration to help you get where you want to go. If you don’t, you’ll feel helpless in the face of life’s events rather than in command.


  • Obtain the Correct Point of View –

In life, we sometimes take things for granted. We live in the status quo, expecting a certain level of living or that those around us will be there for us in times of need, and so on. But, if we want to achieve, we must often acknowledge and be grateful for the things we take for granted, which were once not a part of our lives. There are hundreds of millions of people living in abject poverty with little hope for the future, so be grateful for whatever you do have, no matter how modest it may appear.


  • Make use of a Thought Journal –

Thought diaries, also known as thought recorders, can be used as part of any negative thinking transformation approach. A thought diary post, for example, may break down a person’s thought process while on a date, as well as the emotional and physical reactions that follow from unfavorable thinking patterns. You can replace irrational beliefs about rejection with more useful and constructive ways of thinking at the end of the thought analysis.


  • Stick to a well-thought-out strategy –

When we follow comprehensive and intricate plans, we can aid to steer our thoughts in the appropriate path. Whatever it is that you desire in life, you may attain it over time provided you put in the necessary effort and planning. It’s not going to happen overnight. However, it is the correct strategy that will get you from point A to point B. You’ll be scratching your head and wondering why you’re not making the progress you want if you don’t have it.


  • Negativity should be avoided like the plague –

We will get nowhere fast if we think negatively. Make every effort to prevent negativity. Keep in mind that everything you see is an illusion. On a macro level, it does not appear to be the case. On a quantum level, though, it’s difficult to accept that what exists is real. The positive energy of good and clean thoughts has real power. Negative thinking, on the other hand, might lead to serious disaster. Negative thinking should be avoided at all costs since like attracts like.

Thoughts are created by you, but they can also be created by you. It’s critical to have strong control over your ideas since they affect so many aspects of our lives. Even in the best of circumstances, life can be difficult. And at the worst of times, it may be plain intolerable. However, the actual road to success is to stay tenacious no matter what. Don’t throw in the towel no matter how many times you fail or feel like giving up. Maintain your fortitude. Don’t give up. Continue to push. As long as you stay persistent, you can do and achieve anything you set your mind to. It’s all a figment of your imagination. It has always been and will continue to be. You may transform your brain and shape it towards a more positive, compassionate, resilient, kinder, happier, more empowered, and contented way of being by directing your concentration and remaining with your experience. Favorable experiences can lead to positive brain modifications, which will alter your day-to-day experience. What you concentrate on has a significant impact. The brain will construct itself around whatever it is resting on. Our brain controls whether we see the world through a sad or happy lens, whether we are optimistic or pessimistic, whether we are open to love or quick to shut it down. Your brain will be shaped by what you pay attention to, and your experiences, relationships, and life will be shaped by what you pay attention to.

