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Break free from the past: Discover how therapy can help you reclaim your life from trauma

Break free from the past

Do you miss your old self; the jovial one, the yapper one, the funnier one…? And now you also find it difficult to trust people around you, have lost confidence in self, does your world feels unpredictable and unsafe, and now you are unable to maintain intimacy and closeness in relationships?

It can all stem from those experiences which make you feel heavy in heart on thinking or giving deep thought to. Bad emotional trauma has the ability to transform your bright personality into dull and tedious. Experiences like car accidents, loss of a loved one, physical or sexual assault, natural disasters even if occurred in childhood can have a major impact in your adulthood by holding you back from truly living.

Break free from the past

Break free from the past

How to overcome

It is slow process which includes understanding and processing your experiences, building resilience, and seeking support. Here are the key steps to begin your journey-

  • Accept the trauma- Denying or avoiding the impact of trauma can delay the recovery. To acknowledge the trauma should be the first step as it is important to face the reality of what happened, and feel the emotions rather than suppressing them.
  • Seek professional help- The most effective way to overcome the trauma is THERAPY. A trained therapist will let your mind breathe by helping you to open up in a safe space. They use various techniques like CBT, EMDR, and, trauma-focused therapy.
  • Build a support system- In the process of healing it is necessary to surround yourself with the people who gets you and are empathetic towards you weather they are family, friends or support groups for trauma survivors. Opening up to them helps in alleviating some of the burden.
  • Practice mindfulness and self-care-Techniques such as meditation, yoga and breathing exercises are found helpful in managing intruisive thoughts.
  • Challenge negative thoughts- Distorted thinking patterns are often found in the trauma survivors like feeling of being unsafe and helpless. Therapists use cognitive restructuring to change these thoughts and convert in empowering ones.
  • Focus on gradual exposure- Avoid escaping from the reminders of trauma. A therapist will help you face the triggers in small manageable steps which will help you build tolerance and reduce emotional reactivity over time.
  • Set boundaries- if you were the part of toxic or abusive relationships, then setting boundaries is essential in protecting your emotional well-being and prevent re-traumatization.
  • Find meaning and purpose- Majority finds it helpful to get engaged in some activities like volunteering, helping others or pursuing creative outlets which helps them channel their pain into something meaningful.

Emotional trauma can feel like an invisible weight, affecting every dimension of your life. Weather the result of those ruining events and their effects can be overwhelming and hard to escape. People going through the trauma often feels stuck, haunted by the past, and unsure of how to heal.

The good news is that healing is possible. It could be attained with the help of therapy where your therapist will provide you the safe space to open up or process your emotions, understand your trauma and develop strategies to reclaim control over your life.

Importance of therapy

The person dealing with unhealthy lifestyle including receding relationship, suicidal thoughts, emotional numbness, and low self-worth, therapy could be of immense importance. Here are the several key reasons:

  • Provides a safe and supportive space- Therapy offers a supportive and non-judgmental environment with the unsaid promise of keeping everything confidential where you can openly share your feelings with therapists.
  • Helps in understanding and processing trauma- Since the trauma is confusing and complex, it is important to gain clarity and work through the pain for gaining and adding the quality value to your life. It will help you make sense of your experiences and behaviors.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanism- To attain long-term resilience it is important to develop techniques for managing stress, anxiety and emotional triggers in healthier ways.
  • Rebuilds trust and strengthens relationship- Trauma can damage your ability to trust others and form healthy relationships. Here therapy will help you rebuild it by addressing underlying fears and teaching better communication and boundary setting skills.
  • Fosters self-awareness and growth- The meaning of life can only be known if the elements in it are balanced and fulfilling. Therapy has the power to encourage self-exploration, helping to discover aspects that were affected by trauma.
  • Promotes long-term healing- It is important to move forward in life in healthier and sustainable ways which requires long term healing by addressing the root causes of pain rather than masking symptoms.
  • Improves overall well being- Getting help in alleviating in emotional pain is not sufficient and therapy provides more than this by improving overall well-being.

Overcoming trauma is not a one day thing, it takes months sometimes years of patience, and right support which makes the healing possible. Every scar can be healed. Therapists will provide you the necessary tools  that will let you confront the pain, understand its impact and move on with a sense of empowerment

Author: Anushka Sharma

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