Accept the reality- Accept that the person is gone and he/she is not going to come again.
Cry a river if you must- Cry as much as you want but after that stop.
Acknowledge your feelings and thoughts.
You can’t do anything about it anymore- yes you can’t, now accept this
Forgive yourself- if you can’t forgive the person yet, at least forgive yourself.
Stop blaming and let go of the anger
When you’re ready, give yourself permission to heal, practice self care.
Learn to accept that this person was important to you, but the past is past
Distance yourself- Cut all possible communication, get rid of the things that remind you of that person.
Take baby steps- do things one at a time, don’t think much for eg. Just think in night I have to sleep now that’s it, not I have to woke up in morning or anything else. Do your skin care, hair care.
Be patient and don’t give up on yourself or your things, things will take time but it will change for good.
Engage yourself in physical activity or anything you like dance, cook, art. Practice meditation.
Get out- Go out take some fresh air, enjoy nature, play with animals.
Learn from this experience, don’t make mistakes next time remember these and make things more beautiful.
Take time to love yourself
Look forward to what the future may bring, open your heart to possible new relationship. Don’t block your feelings or heart it’s not necessary that what happened that time is going to happen this time.