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Counselling psychology in the light of Myths bursting and awareness

As we talk about our Mental health and counselling processes, we go through our daily life practices in applying the knowledge, we tend to rush towards the only primary source that we all care for the most; Internet. So why do we think that we sometimes don’t get the real answers or get satisfied with them? Well let’s dive into the why’s:

To begin with, what is counselling? as many of us feel to have ups and downs, moments of lost faith, struggling to make the daily functioning in a well manner, the life hassles, various moments of being ‘OK’ or not. We tend to realize that there are things that cannot be seen and handled on our own, no matter how efficiently we are good at we have available help and assistance provided by counselors, counselling not only includes a path that one takes in the journey of knowing themselves better but it also gives a wide understanding of the perspectives one holds. Which is why we say counselling psychology is wider than our imagination.

Furthermore, why is counselling important for everyone? Yes, so as shockingly it may sound but counselling is for everyone. When we speak about our mental health issues, we tend to highlight the uneasy stigma attached with it, and that varies with cultural aspects also. The understanding of media representation of psychological help is always associated with mental disorders, but on the other hand there are wide range of people who are getting their counselling sessions done and living an efficient well-being. While bursting the myths we are trying to hold a view of spreading the awareness that how essential it is and how the correct order of information can be collected about “self” through the journey.

last but not least, how do we tackle the myths and get aware of the right information?

This is a very common most question that we all have come across while we tap some keywords into the internet and see how are we functioning, which has turned miraculous for some and very debilitating for the correct knowledge and awareness about the counseling process and knowing self should always be dealt with care and in guidance.

Myths that are associated :1) counseling is only for severe issues -counselling is not restricted to severe mental disorders, rather it is very beneficial for us if we are getting the idea of how our mind works in different scenarios.

2) people who ask for help are “weak”-The cultural notion of getting help from a health professional seems like the individual is weak, rather it is wrong to say that, and while we are bursting myths it’s important that we recognize that we are strongly brave and willing to know more about us.

3)labelling -categorizing someone with a disorder would restrict their growth because it will only describe them in the context of their disorder, which will create more stigma around them.

In Addition to what we have briefed about counselling, we can learn more by keeping us updated with the platform which are verified and had shown significant reliability with the in the times of online world, it’s better to choose the corner that suits your mental well-being to utmost.